Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Morning Mantra - 7/06

Hello all,

Remember how I told you that doing the right thing will pay off in the long-run? Well, this was put to the test this for me this weekend in a major way. Even though we're tempted to go tit-for-tat with someone, we have to be stronger than that. It feels horrible in the moment, but know that later on, we'll see the benefits.

This week's Mantra reminds us of the importance of doing the right thing:

"The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour."
~Japanese Proverb

This week, try to rise above the actions of others and operate with integrity.

If you want to receive our Mantras in your inbox each Monday, please click here.

Have an amazing week!



KeetaRay said...

Good Morning! This is so true - and you're right that it doesn't feel good in the moment, but in the long-run you are definitely rewarded. Also, you never know who is watching you "Rise Above" and you can be a great example for someone else struggling with the same thing!!

Nicole Lynn Lewis said...
