Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Deadline Got You Down?

Today is the last day to file your taxes, and for all of your hard work to get them in on time (hopefully), some stores are giving you a treat!  My favorite?  Starbucks is giving away free brewed coffee today, and if you bring in your re-usable mug, it helps the environment!

Click here to find out whose offering treats today!



Anonymous said...

They had the free Starbucks coffee in Canada too - I took advantage several times that day!

Found you in a roundabout way through a Google search for former teen parents, by the way, as I'm one myself :)



Anonymous said...

They had the free Starbucks coffee in Canada too - I took advantage several times that day!

Found you in a roundabout way through a Google search for former teen parents, by the way, as I'm one myself :)



Anonymous said...

They had the free Starbucks day in Canada too - I took advantage several times that day!

I found you, by the way, through a Google search for "former teen parents" as I'm currently a former teen mum raising a teenager (with varying degrees of success haha). Lots of resources for teen parents out there, but apparently when you turn twenty you're considered "general population" haha!

Nicole Lynn Lewis said...


Great to meet you! I'm glad you found me! We share a love for Starbucks as well as the experience of teen parenting. I hear ya - the resources seem to stop at high school for young parents, but I'm hoping to change that!

Keep in touch and I wish you much success with you and your family!