Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Morning Mantra - 08/23

Hey everyone!  

It's Mondaaaaaaaaaay!  This past weekend I celebrated my youngest daughter's first birthday with a nice barbecue in the park.  We invited family and friends, and although it was sweltering hot, we had a blast.  It was one of those special afternoons in which you feel surrounded by so much love.  

So I thought this week's Mantra could be about nurturing our relationships - making sure we're treating our loved ones the way they deserve to be treated.  We want to have successful relationships in addition to great careers, thriving businesses, etc., right?  

Donald Miller"Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable."
Loving the right way - the way that Dr. Brothers talks about above - is so important as we strive to lead full lives.   

This week, think about your relationships with family and friends and ask yourself if you're loving openly and without manipulation. 
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Have an awesome week!



Anonymous said...

Amen to that mantra! So important.. so true.

Nicole Lynn Lewis said...

Thank you, Joi!